Important Things to Know Before Taking Laminine

Concerns for those using pharmaceuticals -Laminine has not been known to cause interactions with any drug but because Laminine often helps the body normalize many of its regulatory functions like bloody pressure, blood sugar and serotonin levels, one should work with his/her health practitioner to adjust these medications as needed.   For more information of what to be aware of before …

Scalar Wave Lasers

Scalar Wave Laser – What is it? Laser is an acronym whose letters stand for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser light is structured (or focused) coherent (another adjective could be organized) light. The Scalar Wave Laser is a cold or low-level laser system. This class of laser is often referred to as a soft or healing laser. Very low powered …

A Scientific Look at Laminine

The following is an in-depth and scientific look into Laminine. The Human body is a complex mechanism operated with millions of interdependent messages and functions happening at any given time. Efforts to understand these functions are constantly producing new and exciting information to help us “fight” the consequences of aging. At the very least, most people desire a healthy life, …