
Osteoarthritis is also called degenerative joint disease and is a condition in which synovial joint, especially weight bearing joints, lose healthy cartilage.  This condition is distinguished from other types of arthritis by being directly related to age and wear and tear of the joint structures as written by Ruth Werner in her book, “A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology.” It …

Varicose Veins

According to the book, A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology by Ruth Werner the definition of varicose veins is that they are distended, often twisted or ropy superficial veins.  They occur when the valves that support blood flow against gravity are damaged.  As blood collects in the system, the affected vein is stretched, distorted, and generally weakened.  Varicose veins can …

Alkaline Water – The Multiple Uses It Brings To The Home

I have listed below the multiple uses that  Kangen Water® ,produced from Enagic’s Water Ionizers brings to the home. 1  Daily drinking Kangen Water™. To keep the body properly hydrated, alkalized and detoxed to achieve/maintain good health. 2  For taking supplements. Kangen Water™ has outstanding dissolving, extracting and anti-oxidizing properties that will enhance the effectiveness of any supplements you may …

Ionization Of Kangen Water® – The Technical Explanation

If you are looking for a technical explanation on how  Kangen Water® is ionized and how that effects your body, then read this interesting report recently released. An Ion is simply an atom or molecule that has lost or gained one or more electrons. In the case of ionized water, that will be exactly one electron lost or gained. Ions …

Acid – Alkaline Balance

The Cause of Disease Have you ever wondered if many of the diseases raging through our society have a common cause? Many doctors, herbalists and nutritionists believe that the explanation may come down to three words: Acid Alkaline Imbalance Over acidity, which can become a dangerous condition that weakens all body systems, is very common today. It gives rise to …

Your Body’s Many Cries For Water

I was reading through my Tony Robbins notes from my last Unleash The Power Within seminar I attended and I was reminded of the research undertaken by Dr Ferrydoon Batmanghelidj. This is the background of Dr Batmanghelidj. He was a political prisoner in Iran, during which time he was placed in solitary confinement. He decided not to eat any food …

What if a key to help unlock Autism is just a sip away ?

“ Kangen Water® has been providing autistic children with a strong source of antioxidants and improved hydration. In our brain programs we observed that our therapeutic expectations have been significantly exceeded by adding Kangen Water to the treatment plan “ – Dr Corinne Allen, international researcher and practitioner in natural health and nutrition for over 30 years, is an expert …

Ionized Water pH 2.5 – Eczema

Ionized Water pH 2.5 is used in many Japanese hospitals for treatment of  varieties of skin conditions, e.g. Eczema.  Patients are advised to drink Kangen Water daily and use acidic water to bathe the affected areas. After 2 weeks, the vesicles dried up. The Eczema was completely cleared out without any relapse.

Alkaline Water & Skin Conditions

Childhood and adult skin conditions and allergies respond well with ionized water. Skin conditions that can be treated: Eczema, Dermatitis, Skin Rashes, Psoriasis, Athletes Foot, Acne, etc. Some cases can take several months but no side effects. Skin condition may not re-occur so long as a healthy diet with plenty alkaline water is consumed.