Black Blood Root Drawing Salve is a deep-drawing escharotic skin salve for cellular skin imbalances such as cancer, ulceration, tumors, warts, swellings & moles, localized infections, & serious insect rashes. Black Blood Root Drawing Salve is also great for chigger and bed bug bites and skin imbalances for animals. Black Blood Root Drawing Salve is a penetrating, deep drawing escharotic skin salve for cellular skin imbalances such as cancer, ulceration, tumors, warts, swellings & moles, localized infections & serious insect skin rashes.  Black Blood Root Drawing Salve is also great for itch relief from chigger and bed bug bites. Use Black Blood Root Drawing Salve for pets too!  Black Blood Root Drawing Salve is for external use only. Do not use Black Blood Root Drawing Salve during pregnancy or on children. Black Blood Root

Drawing Salve contains Olive Oil Extracts of Organic Blood Root, Chaga Mushroom, Yellow Dock, Galangal, Goldenseal & Poke Root, Calendula & Red Clover Flower, Chaparral, Sheep Sorrel & Graviola Leaf, Burdock Seed, Pau d’Arco Bark, Essential Oils, Flower & Gem Essences.

Organic Blood Root is an indigenous Native American Plant used for most skin conditions, to stimulate growth of healthy tissue, clear up infection, and bring warmth and stimulation to the area.
Galangal Root is an aromatic root related to ginger and popularly used in Thai cooking. It has been shown to have antibacterial actions.
Red Clover Flower is a blood purifier that is often used on the skin to dissolve deposits, tumors, remove toxic waste, reduce swelling and aid in tissue repair.
Chaparral is a common desert herb well known as an anti-cancer botanical. It’s used to stimulate growth of healthy cells, and elimination of toxins.
Chaga Mushroom is an anti-cancer remedy that grows in the eastern United States, used as a tonic, pain reliever and blood cleanser.
Calendula Flower is beneficial and soothing for all skin conditions.
Yellow Dock Root high in natural minerals, is used as a detoxicantto reduce tumors, infections, and skin ulcers.
Sheep Sorrel Leaf & Flower is an ingredient in the popular anticancer,blood cleansing formula designed by Renee Caisse.
Graviola Leaf native to the Amazon basin, contains phytochemicalsknown to be toxic to cancer cells.
Burdock Seed benefits the skin and is used as a blood purifier.
Pau D’Arco from the bark of a South American tree, is used fortumors, cancer, and cleansing/rebuilding the immune system.
Evening Primrose Oil is high in Essential fatty acids & reduces prostaglandin levels, which are helpful in treating cancer growth.
Neem Oil is an ancient remedy useful for skin cancers and tumors when used topically in creams or salves.
Tea Tree Oil is a powerful, medicinal oil similar to eucalyptus and issued worldwide for its anti-viral, fungal, and bacterial properties.

Apply salve to the affected area. Cover with an airtight bandage or plastic wrap. Change after bathing. A scab will form and eventually fall off. It is important to keep the bandage on until after the scab has fallen off. The skin will be pink and there may be a pin sized hole. When the area is clean the escharotic process is complete.

Ingredients:  Olive Oil Extracts of Organic Blood Root, Chaga Mushroom, Yellow Dock, Galangal, Goldenseal & Poke Root, Calendula & Red Clover Flower, Chaparral, Sheep Sorrel & Graviola Leaf, Burdock Seed, Pau d’Arco Bark, Beeswax, Essential Oils, Flower & Gem Essences.

Black Salve is sold at Moore Chiropractic Center.  This article was compiled by Jan Rudeen, Licsensed Massage Therapist for Lifestyle Massage Therapy.  Jan works at Moore Chiropractic Center in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

Comments 1

  1. Hello,

    My sister (69 yrs old) has been fighting a metastasized cancer that started in the uterus diagnosed as Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor (a carcinosarcoma). It went to her brain (2 tumors that seem to be gone after cyber-knife radiation), her abdomen and her lungs.

    She lives in Orange County, CA. Do you know any chiropractors, naturopaths or alternative health professionals in the Southern California area who have experience with black salve or Compound X for a condition such as hers? She has had numerous surgeries, radiation and is one a 3rd course of chemotherapy. She has also used medical marijuana which helps her with pain, appetite and sleeping. She is a strong Christian and has a wonderful attitude but I fear the AMA-Big Pharma route she is on will kill her.

    I thank you in advance for any information you can provide.


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