Frozen Shoulder

What is Frozen Shoulder?   It can be a strange thing to suddenly have shoulder pain without injury or reason for the pain. This pain will stop you from moving your arms, which causes the shoulders to become stiff and to lose a range of motion. You may start asking others for help, reaching things that are above your head, and …

Cold versus Flu Symptoms

Physically, from the outside view, the differences seem minimal, as the symptoms tend to overlap. However, from a microscopic point of view, the cold and flu are caused by different types of viruses. The common cold is usually caused by variations of the rhinovirus or viruses that affect the upper respiratory tract. There are over 200 different types of viruses, …

Sleep Crisis

For the most part, we are a sleep-deprived nation. We rush through weekdays, operating on too little sleep and crash on weekends in an attempt to recover. And even for those of us clocking the requisite hours, sleep may be interrupted for a variety of reasons. According to Ralph Pascualy, M.D., medical director of the Swedish Sleep Medicine Institute (SSMI) …


Osteoarthritis is also called degenerative joint disease and is a condition in which synovial joint, especially weight bearing joints, lose healthy cartilage.  This condition is distinguished from other types of arthritis by being directly related to age and wear and tear of the joint structures as written by Ruth Werner in her book, “A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology.” It …

Varicose Veins

According to the book, A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology by Ruth Werner the definition of varicose veins is that they are distended, often twisted or ropy superficial veins.  They occur when the valves that support blood flow against gravity are damaged.  As blood collects in the system, the affected vein is stretched, distorted, and generally weakened.  Varicose veins can …

The Kinetic Chain

  Many chronic or recurring spinal, pelvic, sacroiliac, and lower extremity complaints are associated with musculoskeletal disorders while walking.  How you walk tells the chiropractor a lot.  The main part of human walking happens when the foot is in weight-bearing contact with the ground or floor.  While the feet are supporting the rest of the body it is the first …

Cold Laser Therapy

In general, cold lasers can be used in 2 distinct ways: Targeting acupuncture trigger points (similar to acupuncture but without the needles) Broad coverage of deep tissue with laser photons to stimulate changes in the tissue Cold Laser therapy offers a non-intrusive option to acupuncture and surgery. It also provides a non-addicting treatment that eliminates the complications of long-term drug …